About me

Hi, I'm Angry Doctor. I was created by Dr. Howard Webster, one of Australia’s leading plastic surgeons. With over 30 years of full-time practice, this guy knows more about skin than that creepy guy from Silence of the Lambs.

But enough about him (and Buffalo Bill). I need to get something off my chest.

Australians have some of the WORST skin in the world, but when it comes to skincare, the majority have absolutely no idea where to start.

Here's the deal. Good general health and smart sun protection are the number one and number two things you need to focus on if you care about having your best skin for life. 

Is there anything more you can do? Yes there is. Adding regular use of great ACTIVE skin care will further protect and lessen skin ageing – as well as helping you to your best skin every day. That’s all you need to do. 

Some people will want to do more, and that's fine! But if you don’t want to be skincare obsessed, then don’t be. If you take the trouble to be healthy, sun smart and a regular user of evidence based active skincare, you’re doing enough to enjoy a lifetime of the best skin you can have.

About my products

I believe that by making skincare as simple, effective and affordable as possible, more Australians of all genders will be able to access it, use it, and benefit from it.

To be SIMPLE, I've combined the key actives for normal skin health into just two daily products. Morning Bright should be used every morning. Young Night should be used every night. If you maintain this routine, you will be both protecting and repairing your skin every day.

To be EFFECTIVE, I use the best active ingredients we can source, formulated into very bioavailable products with a great feel on your skin. The actives have been scientifically shown to have a positive effect on the cellular and biochemical structure of the skin, with a strong evidence base validating the efficacy and safety of the product.

To be AFFORDABLE, I haven’t jacked the prices up. My bottles have larger volumes of the good stuff than most too, so you get better value and don’t need to repurchase as often.