What the heck is skin streaming?

READ TIME: 3 minutes
TLDR: It’s time to streamline your skincare routine. Reject the 12-step routine! Embrace scientifically proven products that work AND save you time and money.

You know that saying ‘less is more’? Well, when it comes to skincare it rings true. Whether you’re new to Angry Doctor or you’ve been hearing me harp on about simplifying skincare routines for a while now, it’s time to have a long hard look at your bathroom cupboard. In my opinion, the days of the ‘shelfie’ are behind us. Bin the 12-step routine. Don’t buy a serum just because you heard it’s ‘trending’. Instead, it’s time to streamline your routine and use a considered selection of skincare that does some serious heavy (scientifically proven) lifting. *Cough* like my products *cough*. Turns out there’s a term for this, which makes my job a hell of a lot easier. It’s called ‘skin streaming’ and I’m all about it. Here’s why. 

What is skin streaming? 

Not to be confused with Netflix, skin streaming is the idea that your skincare routine can be simplified or streamlined. Everyone can get around this movement, but sensitive skin types especially will reap the benefits of skin streaming. Think of it as a way to cut out nonessential steps in order to make sure your routine is sustainable and effective. The aim is to use fewer products that fulfil multiple needs rather than using a big old bathroom drawer or cupboard full of single-purpose-only products. I feel a Spring clean on the horizon!

Why should everyone try skin streaming?

I mean, why wouldn’t you? For starters, it’ll save you some cash – and given we’re navigating Old Mate Cost of Living Crisis (AKA cozzie livs), it seems like a bit of a no-brainer if you ask me. Secondly, your skin can’t always handle everything you throw at it; if you’re applying 7-12 different serums on the daily you’re a) losing time in your day that could be used to pat more dogs instead, and b) you’re probably stressing your skin barrier the f**k out. Stop that. Your skin is way more likely to effectively absorb and actually benefit from fewer, more potent products. Back to those sensitive skin types especially: when you give skin steaming a go you avoid combining too many ingredients that don’t get along, thus, avoiding irritation. Nothing more irritating than skin irritation, RIGHT?  

Here’s how to try your hand at skin streaming 

Bring it back to the basic. In the morning, use a gentle cleanser, a protective and nourishing daily serum, like vitamin C, and an SPF. Right there is a solid foundation for a streamlined skincare routine: you’ve got a nice clean slate, a serum that’s going to protect, repair and promote collagen production, and, ideally, a broad spectrum sunscreen. Nice. In the evening it’s a similar story except you’re swapping your vitamin C for vitamin A and not applying sunscreen (those moon rays won’t age you, don’t worry). Again, for sensitive skin types especially, using retinal (a vitamin A derivative that’s more powerful than retinol but gentler) is going to give you a plethora of skin benefits sans redness, irritation or peeling which is often associated with retinol. Remember, skin streaming is all about using fewer products – and the ones you do use should work hard to help you achieve your skin goals from managing adult acne to fine lines, dullness or texture. The fundamental steps I’ve suggested here will help maintain skin health and prevent premature ageing. It’s been proven by science. And how bloody good is science?!   

Look for products with multiple ingredients  

Nothing screams “STREAMLINED!” like a product  – with multiple ingredients – that offers numerous skin benefits. Here’s where I will toot my own horn, but this is my Waiting Room and I make the rules. Take Morning Bright, my vitamin C serum. Not only does it have the benefits of vitamin C, but the ‘Rich’ version also contains vitamin E and ferulic acid; vitamin E offers a generous serving of antioxidant protection whilst being a natural anti-inflammatory, and ferulic acid effectively targets skin pigmentation and helps restore a firmer skin texture. As for Young Night, in the ‘Light’ version you’ll enjoy the benefits of retinal (the gold standard anti-ageing ingredient that targets fine lines, acne and the rest) plus niacinamide: an oil-balancing, redness-reducing, pigmentation-fading wonder. Young Night ‘Rich’ contains those ingredients too, plus glycolic acid which encourages skin to look and feel firmer, plumper and more refined. And last, but certainly not least, Clean Right: not only does this gently cleanse the skin, but it also exfoliates at the same time thanks to the inclusion of glycolic and lactic acid. That means you don’t need a cleanser, a glycolic toner and a lactic acid serum. Skincare maths.  

So, skin streaming? I’m a BIG fan. And I hope you become one, too. If you’re ready to give it a try, Angry Doctor is the brand to get you started. My skincare is damn affordable (especially from a cost per mL perspective) and works hard thanks to the multi-tasking, scientifically-proven nature of every product I create.         

J Clin Biochem Nutr. Ferulic Acid: Therapeutic Potential Through Its Antioxidant Property. Published online 2007 Mar 14. 

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