I believe skincare should be simple and effective. But how the industry talks about it is anything but. From the overly complicated to the under-explained, trying to understand skincare terminology will literally give you wrinkles. Most terms don’t mean what you think they do. And the rest don’t mean anything at all.
This handy glossary will give you a hand in finding out what each tongue-twisting term really means.
An ingredient that will not clog your pores. While derived from an actual scientific term, non-comedogenic is not a scientific term, or a medical term, or a term regulated by any reputable administrative body that exists on this planet, or any other.
"Our non-comedogenic moisturiser will not clog your pores. Which, while saying the exact same thing twice, makes our skincare product sound twice as fancy."
A combination of the words cosmetic and pharmaceutical. Used to convince consumers that a product has been medically-tested. And has it? Probably not.
Synonyms include pseudo-science, manipu-liar, and fraud-tastic.
"Try this powerful new cosmeceutical formula. It’s not only completely unregulated, it’s a completely made up term."
Not involving the use of chemicals. Which is a little strange, given that all matter is made of chemicals. Water, is chemicals. Your body, also chemicals. For something to be chemical-free, it would have to have literally no substance. Exactly like this term.
"Hey Jesse, if I claim my skincare product is “Chemical-Free” do you think I could trick people into thinking it’s better? Well, yes, I guess that would be a little evil. But I’m going to do it anyway haha."
A product that contains less allergens, but can still produce an allergic reaction. There is no agreed definition of allergen, meaning a company can use this term wherever or however they want. It’s less of a specific science, and more of a general vibe.
"Smear our all-new hypoallergenic formula on your face. It’s totally hypoallergenic. What does that mean? No one is quite sure. But it sure does sound nice as it rolls off your tongue."
A product that claims to defy the effects of ageing. While certain active products, like ours, can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve the health of your skin as you age, there is currently no product on the market that grants immortality. We are all hurtling towards the inevitable, so enjoy your limited time on the earth's surface, and wear sunscreen.
"Our age-defying formula will help you defy ageing. And by defying ageing, we mean it will encourage you to take a psychological, spiritual or moral stance opposing it. Because in no way, shape, or form can a product actually reverse the process of getting older. As you read this, you are literally ageing.”
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