Who is Angry Doctor? And why is he so damn angry?

Good question. Let me introduce myself, I’m Angry Doctor and I was created by Doctor Howard Webster, an Australian plastic surgeon. I’m angry because we’re not taking care of our skin. Simple as that. Doctor Webster has experienced this first-hand – he’s been in practice for over 25 years and has treated many thousands of Australians for skin cancer. Virtually every patient Doctor Howard Webster sees has moderate to severe sun and environmental skin damage. He sees the havoc that poor sun protection and lack of skincare habits wreaks on our community in the form of premature skin ageing, loss of a youthful appearance, patient-perceived loss of facial attractiveness, the appearance of skin keratoses, sunspots, wrinkles, redness and eventually skin cancers.

That’s where I, Angry Doctor, come in. Sure, I’m angry and I’m fed up, but I’m channelling those feelings into my mission to help every person better understand how they can take care of their skin for LIFE.     

So, why don’t we look after our skin properly? There are many factors of course, but the ones that grind my gears the most are:

  1. There is very little clear information on HOW to look after our skin logically, inexpensively and without it being confusing, crazy expensive or just for skinfluencers.

  2. The beauty industry is totally overwhelming. People want to look after their skin better, but instead, they get bombarded by mixed messages, made-up science, expensive multistep products, complexity and misinformation. This results in them feeling confused or annoyed with little to no understanding of simple principles of skincare. Ultimately, they become disheartened and don’t even bother using it! Madness!  

  3. Great skin and skincare aren’t about beauty or the beauty industry – they’re about health for your whole life. Really what I’m trying to say is skincare is healthcare, and it’s about bloody time people realise this!

  4. Skincare should be about education, awareness and HONEST information that results in healthy skin habits. These should be habits for life. Habits that make you feel confident that what you’re doing is both scientifically correct and ENOUGH.

  5. I’m angry that bioavailability (that’s the ability of a substance to be absorbed and used by the body), usability and long-term positive usage are not talked about much when we discuss skin health. We should be shouting these from the rooftop because THESE are the parts of skincare that really get results.

  6. You may not realise it, but the bottom line is: skin damage that you allow to occur to your skin at any age is not reversible entirely. Every day you damage your skin, it has a permanent tiny effect. After thousands of days of little bits of damage – you end up very damaged. Know this. It’s on us to care for ourselves, but we need useful information and products crafted using the highest quality active ingredients to do this.

Now you know why I’m angry, it’s time to think about ways you can maintain good skin for LIFE.

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