How stress can affect your skin (and what you can do about it)

TLDR: Everyone bangs on about how good love is on Valentine’s Day. But when things aren’t smooth sailing in a relationship it can wreak havoc on your skin. Here’s why (and how to manage it).

Love sucks. Well, not always. Sometimes love is great! But when it’s not, and you’re dealing with the stress of a breakup, often the first thing to suffer is your skin. Why? Because feeling stressed can have a direct effect on that mug of yours. And why am I talking about stressed-out skin in relation to a breakup? In honour of Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d come at love from a different angle because relationships end and sometimes you just gotta talk about it (and what it can mean for your skin). Although the main angle here is about the bad side of a breakup, I can appreciate that sometimes breakups are great. Liberating! A new chapter! You don’t have to share your ice-cream! Fingers crossed that’s the case if you’re mending a broken heart, but if it’s not (and it’s a shit show right now for your heart and your skin) then listen up. Full disclosure, I can’t fix your relationship or soften that post-breakup blow, but I CAN help fix your skin if it’s taken a hit from the stress. I’m an angry doctor, not a love doctor, ok? Good. Let’s get on with it.    

Stress and skin: what’s the deal?

Hate to say it, but according to recent research, skin is both an immediate stress perceiver and a target of stress responses. As the largest organ of the body, skin plays important barrier and immune functions, maintaining homeostasis between the external environment and internal tissues. Stress is known to affect various diseases and conditions, for example, asthma, arthritis and migraines. When it comes to skin specifically, multiple neuroinflammatory conditions can be triggered or aggravated by stress, like psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, acne and contact dermatitis, to name a few. The condition I’m going to hone in on here is acne.


A breakup and breakouts?! 

Yep, shit can be rough for skin if you’re stressed, and acne is a common side effect. Stress has long been suspected to induce acne flares by clinical experiences and anecdotal observations, but it was only confirmed 10 years ago by a well-controlled study. So what’s the deal? Basically, when you’re stressed, a big wave of stress chemicals is sent between your central nervous system and your skin, resulting in an acute breakup which can show up as a pimple(s). If you happen to be in a continuous state of stress for an extended period of time, the negative effects can become more chronic leading to not just the odd breakout but acne all over your face. When cortisol (that’s your body’s main stress hormone) rises, it sends a signal to your oil glands to increase oil production. If your body is producing excess sebum your pores are more likely to become clogged and the chances of breakouts and acne occurring increase.


Stress can age you (I know, stressful)

So, not only has this ex of yours broken your heart, but they’ve also contributed to you potentially looking older. Want me to egg their house? Because I will. Annoyingly, stress can have a large impact on how our skin ages. Turns out stress hormones break down the collagen and elastin in the skin and interfere with rejuvenation, which can speed up the ageing process causing more fine lines and wrinkles. Damn.

Some love (your skin) advice 

It’s all been doom and gloom up until this point, but I’m here to help. Between acne and more fine lines and wrinkles than you signed up for, you can see why breakups aren’t it. However, those skin side effects after you’ve experienced heartbreak CAN be managed if you stick to a simple routine. Here’s how:

1. Give those clogged pores the flick

If you’re producing more sebum thanks to stress then stick to a simple daily cleansing routine. And I mean daily. If you’re brushing your teeth morning and night you can cleanse your face as well. Preferably a face wash that contains AHAs (also known as alpha-hydroxy acids). Clean Right, my active daily cleanser, contains glycolic and lactic acid, which are chemical exfoliants with one job: to unclog pores. They also help sweep away dead skin cells and help smooth the appearance of texture and breakouts if stress has got the better of your skin.

2. Retinal is your new friend

Acne AND fine lines? I told you love sucks when it doesn’t go your way. Luckily Young Night is on the case. Its hero ingredient is retinal, a powerful (yet gentle) vitamin A derivative that improves cellular function and reduces inflammation, leading to skin that looks younger, smoother, clearer and brighter. In simple terms, it's an anti-ageing, acne-fighting active that’ll support your skin. Oh, and it’s also eleven times faster than retinol at working its magic, just so you know.  

3. For skin that looks like you’ve slept when you haven’t

Whether you’re out late partying the heartbreak away or just can’t get a good night’s sleep, the effect on your skin could be a dull, lacklustre or tired-looking appearance. This is where vitamin C can give you a helping hand. Not only does this antioxidant-rich ingredient protect and repair skin from pigmentation, sun damage and wrinkles, but it can also help give skin a pep-up and brighten its appearance. I didn’t call my vitamin C product Morning Bright for nothing!

4. Stick to a simple routine

Don’t overcomplicate things. If you’re heartbroken, stressed out or just can’t be bothered – commit to a simple regimen so you don't become a skincare slacker. Consistency is key. And if you can consistently listen to ‘The Ultimate Breakup Playlist’ on Spotify you can slap on some skincare.


How to fix a broken heart

A little self-care will help. And while you’re sticking to a skincare routine to ensure stress doesn’t wreak havoc on your skin, you could also look at these fun, doctor-approved activities: book one of those venues that let you smash crockery with a baseball bat; delete your ex off social media; start reading more; bake a cake; take a Beyonce-themed dance class; organise a dinner with friends at a restaurant you’ve never been to before; search “chihuahuas in Halloween costumes” on Google.  

Ready to show your skin some love this Valentine’s Day (and every day)? Introduce retinal, vitamin C and an active daily cleanser into your routine. Discover my entire affordable and simple skincare range here


American Academy of Dermatology Association, VANCOUVER, BC. (July 21, 2022). Feeling stressed? It can show in your skin, hair, and nails

Ying Chen and John Lyga, Brain-Skin Connection: Stress, Inflammation and Skin Aging. Published online 2014 Jun.

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